In Your Enthusiasm Breakthrough, Tommy Lanham reflects on a moment of spiritual renewal following a Christian retreat. Inspired by a quote from a Dove chocolate wrapper, he embarks on a quest to reignite his passion for life and faith.
Your Enthusiasm Breakthrough introduces the concept of enthusiasm as a “God-inspired fire” and contrasts it with the mundane aspects of life. It outlines a path to rekindling your enthusiasm through eight key decisions encapsulated in the acronym E.N.T.H.U.S.E.D.
These decisions are designed to overcome obstacles, live a fuller, more passionate life, break free from mediocrity, and live with purpose and passion.
Through personal anecdotes and motivational insights, Tommy encourages readers to embrace their potential, reject complacency, and take decisive steps toward a more enthusiastic and purposeful life.

Make Your Decisions     |     Ignite your Fire     |     Live with Enthusiasm